Change - an inevitable phenomenon
One of the great Greek Philosophers: Heraclitus said, "Change is the only constant in life" . Unknowingly we are experiencing many psychophysical changes in our lives. Everybody wants to lead a happy life but very few are ready to come out of their comfort zone and opt for change. Imagine a situation that you have newly joined a famous multinational company and you came across a more than a decade old established process in your department, which you feel can be improved. You approach your boss with an improvisation. What do you think, what will be his reaction? In more than 90 percent cases he will defend the existing process and rule out the change. Many a time it is difficult for a person to bring a small change in his personal life then what to speak of a change in a multinational company with decades of established processes. Why is human mind so reluctant to change ? Everybody knows change is an inevitable part of our life. It is quite rewarding as well. Although we u...