The Ill Effects Of taking Aprasad (Non-offered Food)
By Kesava Krsna Dasa We all know about avoiding prohibited foods, but may not know why, or what effects they produce. Becoming aware of such bad effects will cause us to think extra before eating more “delicious” sin. We understand that there are difficulties faced by certain householders, especially if both husband and wife work, or are being surrounded by indifferent family members. Whatever the situation, it is worth trying to place oneself in an advantageous eating situation with what “little time” we have. “Let’s not get fanatical now!” One may protest. “Not all of us are living in the temple, and have the luxury of daily maha-prasadam or temple prasada. Eating out is a necessity sometimes, even if I do not like to do so. At least I choose the places I buy from carefully.” We usually hear arguments like, “I am eating or buying from a “mode of goodness” outlet.” Such places are deemed “spiritual,” “trustworthy,” or “favourable.” With further analysis on this, we could ...