Shankha (The Conch-shell)
What is Shankh (Conch)? A Shankh (conch) is a natural cover/wrapper of an oceanic worm/creature that protects him from the out side attacks/dangers, and when the worm grows up he comes out from it and he throws it away forever. Types of Shankh (Conch) ...... 1. Dakshinavarti Shankha (दक्षिणावर्ती शंख): The Shankha that is open from right side is known as “Dakshinavarti Shankha” Shankha …..!! It is rare, white in color and contains a brownish line on it. 2. Vamavarti Shankha (वामावर्ती शंख): It opens from left side that’s why it is called Vamavarti; it is used in all the religious activities. Astrologers recommend this SHANKHA to remove the negative energy. There are a lot of more types of SHANKHA but these two are the main types of SHANKHA. SPIRITUAL IMPORTANCE :- SHANKHA is one of the 14 gems (RATNA) received from churning sea (SAMUNDRA MANTHAN.) SHANKHA’s sound is a symbol of victory in VEDAS SHANKHA produces the sound of OM. ____________________...