Shastriya SwayamPaak Vidhi
SwayamPaak Vidhi! Food is to be prepared not for self but for naivedya for HARI . even when we or our near dear eat its HARI who eats by being within us . Because VISHNUSAHASRANAAM praises him as BHOKTA ! YAGNYABHUk So ultimate procedure should be followed to prepare the food for HARI [ and one must not resort to kutarka that HARI desires nothing so anything offered is OKAY and everything offered is OKAY as everything consists of HARI , AGHORAS FEEL BOTH SHUDDHA AND ASHUDDHA ARE HARIdatta , so why look down upon ashuddha ! some even say it should not matter who prepares food , how one prepares food ,what one uses to prepare food as all are creations of HARI , so a pizza burger , etc can also be a naivedya ] We shall see how these cannot become NAIVEDAYA ! Why should we cook for LORD , because , by eating VISHNU naivedya we get rid of sins , those sins that are factors for this samsaara ! We must prepare food with the smarana of HARI all through . WHy ? every work b...